american geosciences institute
connecting earth, science and people

Environmental Compliance Inspectors

Credit: US Navy, MC2 MarQueon Tramble, Public Domain

Environmental compliance inspectors in the geosciences are responsible for ensuring that organizations and individuals are following environmental regulations and laws. They may work for government agencies, consulting firms, or private companies. They require an extensive background in the geosciences to perform duties such as:

  • Conducting site visits to ensure that facilities are complying with environmental regulations. This may involve inspecting wastewater treatment plants or hazardous waste disposal sites.

  • Collecting samples from the environment to test for pollutants or contaminants.

  • Preparing reports on their findings and making recommendations for improvements if necessary.

  • Communicating with stakeholders, including government officials and company representatives about how projects are affecting the environment and ways to reduce or mitigate negative effects.

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